Why Did I Go Vegan?
It all started with a loved one challenging me to join them in a 30-day vegan challenge. I didn’t even hesitate because I think deep inside I knew it would be best for me. Needless to say, the person who challenged me lasted all of 4 days and I kept on going and here I am nearly 3 years later.
Meat and dairy are not good for human consumption. Dairy was intended for a baby calf to grow into a large cow, not for farmers to artificially inseminate their livestock and use the milk and babies to fatten their pockets. That’s another story though. If our bodies could truly handle raw cow’s milk, why do they pasteurize it and then “fortify” it with vitamins and minerals ? Human breastmilk does not go through a “process,” instead it goes from mom to baby in its raw form. for meat, the World Health Organization has classified process meat such as ham, salami, bacon, hot dogs, and sausage as a Class 1 carcinogen (meaning that there is strong evidence that it causes cancer). According to the American Cancer Society’s website, 22 experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies and found that eating 50 grams of processed meat (4 strips of bacon or 1 hot dog ) everyday increases colorectal cancer by 18%. Then they go on to say that an occasional hotdog or hamburger is ok. Are you kidding me? So it’s occasionally ok to swallow cancer?!? To keep them in business, the short answer is YES! They also admit that red meat has evidence of increasing your risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. Cancer(s) are not the only side effect from investing meat and meat by-products. Complications of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol are also on the list of negative impacts that are served at summer BBQs around the globe. I know some chicken, turkey, and fish eaters think they are off the hook, but you’re not. Your meat choice has gone through a process too to look all lovely and presentable in that plastic wrap in the meat market.
Besides this compelling information, real meat eaters eat their food raw. You’ve never seen a lion, combing the meat aisle of your local grocery store, “hunting” for a good selection for dinner. You’ve also never seen that same lion take his purchase home, season it, cook it, and eat it. Real carnivorous mammals have the jaws, claws, and paws to kill their prey and eat it raw!