Herbal Supplements vs. Vitamins

Herbal Supplements vs. Vitamins

The battle of the most efficient “multivitamin” has been waging for many years and really just comes down to personal preference. I prefer herbal supplements because they come from nature and they have been around for thousands of years. Whereas vitamins have only been around for roughly 50 years and 95% of the ones on the market are synthetic. They are known as bioidenticals, which are substances similar to the natural chemical compounds found in the body. Many people assume bioidenticas are safe, but because they throw off the balance of natural chemicals found in the body, they are causing more harm than good. Some of the most popular vitamins on the market are made with GMOs.

Herbal therapies promote healing, which takes time, so symptom reduction is slower than traditional drugs which masks the symptoms, but do no real healing. Herbal supplements are packed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune enhancing properties.

The ones I take daily are Moringa, Chlorella, Turmeric, a Probiotic, Seamoss & Bladderwrack, & Black Seed Oil. Today, I will talk about some of the benefits of the first 4.

  1. Moringa is known as nature’s multivitamin. It improves mental clarity, fights cancer, improves digestion, balances blood sugars, boosts immune system, is great for thyroid health, enhances your mood, lowers cholesterol and improves heart health.

  2. Chlorella is an algae that removes heavy metals from the body, helps with postpartum shed, reduces puffy eyes & dark circles, has been shown to prevent hangovers, cleanses blood, helps with constipation, is an effective hormone balancer, contains all B-vitamins, may reduce cancer risk and reduces body odor.

  3. Turmeric has become increasingly popular for helping people with joint pain. It also boosts cognitive function, prevents y’all formation, aids natural weight loss, is a great mood enhancer, increases cardiovascular health, eases inflammation, detoxifies the body, improves skin complexion and refined vision.

  1. Last but not least, everyone needs a daily probiotic to support your gut health. Probiotics also improve mental health, keep your immune system strong, improve cell growth, reduce inflammation, metabolize xenobiotics & heavy metals, supports vaginal health, helps with skin conditions like eczema, acne, & psoriasis and prevents UTIs.

Choose wisely where you purchase supplements from, because they too can have synthetic fillers in them. As plant based living becomes increasingly popular, larger companies will be scrambling to come up with psuedo-herbal products for the consumers. I have been purchasing my supplements for the last couple of years from Tierra Burrell at http://www.tierragoesgreen.com.

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