Sheltering In Place During A Global Pandemic
For the last 3 weeks, this world has been brought to its knees by an enemy that we can’t even see with the naked eye. No matter where it originated from, what warnings were ignored, and what precautions were not taken, the Coronavirus is here. It has affected millions of people worldwide and unfortunately it has even claimed the lives of many. Loved ones can’t even have proper funerals or memorial services for those that they lost because of the “social distancing” mandate that has been put in place. These indeed are some difficult times for us to navigate through, but let’s look at things from another perspective.
1. We have been forced to spend more time with the people we claim to love the most.
Why did it take a global pandemic and orders from our local & national governments to get us to sit down and enjoy our families? How many times have you let your job or your social calendar keep you away from your spouse, children, friends, and aging parents. Will this cause you to re-evaluate your family structure and make some much needed adjustments?
2. We now have time to do things we’ve previously put on the back burner. Exercise more, start and/or finish that book, experiment with new recipes, clean that closet out, learn something new, or start a business. Write the vision down and execute the plan.
3. We can work from home (some of us).
And just like that, companies have shown you that they are able to accommodate teleworking. I mean they helped y’all set up a home office real quick, didn’t they? I’m being sarcastic, but it’s true. For all of these years, it has been engrained in our psyche that we must work Monday-Friday, 9-5 and in exchange we will get a paycheck every two weeks. I understand that not all jobs fit the mold, but for those that do, they’ve been lying to us. We can take some time away from the office and still be productive. We can go to our kids’ soccer game or support our spouse at a company banquet instead of working long hours for a company that doesn’t value our personal time. So for those of you who have been working from home, how have you been managing your time? Do you like it? Do you appreciate your job more or less?
Yes, I know some of us have lost our jobs, trips have been cancelled, schools have been moved to online learning, and celebrations have been postponed. Shoot even the doors of the church are closed, but we need to take advantage of this down time to reflect, refocus, and reform.
Let me know how you’re using this new found free time. Be blessed.